snail-mail exchange

When was the last time you got a piece of mail you actually enjoyed? Or the last time you were giddy to see your friendly neighborhood letter carrier because you just knew something fun addressed to you was about to be delivered? 

If you’re lucky, it was today. For most, however, it’s been months, perhaps years, since a piece of magic was mailed to them.

Well, I hope to change that for you. If even once with…Just One Stamp.

Snail-Mail Call Status

The current call is open! As long as your snaile is postmarked by Monday, September 30, 2024, it will be included in this round. If it is postmarked after September 30, I’ll hold on to it and reply during the next open call.

What is Just One Stamp, exactly? 

The Postcard Explanation

Just One Stamp is an offering from me to you (and, ideally, you to me) of a fun little something or other that can be mailed with—you guessed it—just one stamp. 

The Full-Postage Explanation

Just One Stamp is an interactive snail-mail exchange where I send a new, creative something or other once a month (or so) to you when you send one to me first. 

What will I be sending? Maybe a mini zine, maybe a sticker, maybe a poem, maybe a short story, maybe a recipe. Who knows?! The surprise is part of the fun.

The only requirement? Whatever it is, it must be able to ship with just one stamp!

How It Works

  1. You’ll know it’s time for a round of Just One Stamp because I will announce a Snail-Mail Call via one of my digital letters. If you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe to know when the next round is coming. That’s the best way to stay in the know. You could also simply bookmark this page—the current call status will be listed above.

  2. You start the fun by sending a snailie my way first. Again, it can be whatever you’d like* (please see #9 in the FAQ below), as long as the cost of postage is just one stamp.

  3. Once I receive your snailie, that’s my cue to send one to you!

  4. Then, after about a month or so, we will rinse and repeat! You can send me a snailie for each Snail-Mail Call or one every so often—whatever you fancy.


  1. What’s a “snailie”?

    A snail-mail letter is one I fondly refer to as a snailie. I cannot take credit for this term and don’t remember exactly when I first heard it used. If memory serves me, though, it was a term used by folks like me who frequented the MMB (Marvelous Message Board) hosted by the author SARK circa 2004.

  2. Why do you send a snailie to me first?

    Two reasons, actually! 1) When I receive a snailie from you, it’s my signal to drop one in the mail in return. No need for you to sign up or for me to keep track of anything. Received mail is my cue. 2) You won’t feel “behind” or “guilty” if I send one first and you then realize you’re too busy to reciprocate. Our lives are full of obligations, let’s not have Just One Stamp be one of them. 

  3. Where do you send the snailie?

    You’ll address your snailie to Woz Flint, P.O. Box 40584, Albuquerque, NM 87196

  4. Does this cost anything?

    This is an exchange, so nope!

  5. What if you don’t live in the US?

    No worries, this is for anyone, anywhere in the world. I have international stamps, ready to go!

  6. What if you don’t want to send a snailie but want one sent to you?

    You got it! Everyone should be able to receive magic in the mail and I’m happy to send it. Since it won’t be an exchange, I just ask that you send $4 USD via Venmo or PayPal to cover the cost of materials and postage. Just send me an email ( to get this arranged.

  7. What if you want to have a snailie sent to someone else as a surprise?

    Same as above! Snailies for everyone!

  8. Will each snailie from me be different?

    Each Snail-Mail Call will have a unique snailie item sent. So if you participate in more than one Call, you’ll get a unique snailie each time.

  9. What if you want to send a snailie but don’t know what to send?

    *Since this isn’t an ongoing exchange, with the exception of sending a “traditional” letter with questions requiring a response, anything goes! Whatever ships for the cost of just one stamp.

    Have fun with it and get creative! Some ideas include: mini zines, short stories, poems, recipes, music playlists, reviews (books, TV shows, movies, and more), postcards, stickers, ATCs, bookmarks, drawings or other tiny art, comic strips (original works or one of your favorites), crosswords and word searches (original works or from the newspaper), photos (originals or vintage finds), favorite quotes, descriptions of your favorite person or thing (imagined or otherwise), 6-word memoirs, maps, menus, rituals & traditions, song lyrics, jokes, puns, ephemera, tea bags, fortunes, cards (tarot, oracle, baseball, trading, and more). Truly anything goes!

  10. Have another question, but don’t see the answer here?

    Send an email to I’ll respond when I’m not writing or working on snailies.